Invenias quod velis et recorderis quod habeas

62+ adventures, 1 piece at a time.

Jan 19, 2024

For Invenias No. 35, I reached out to my friend Matthew Gold, who is a percussion player (currently living in Paris) to collaborate with me. We decided on November 29, 2023, we would each collect 5 interesting items throughout the day, arrange them into a graphic score, take a picture of it, and share it with the other person. When I received Matt’s picture, I recorded some sounds to realize the score, and he did the same with my picture. We then decided to add to each others’ initial realizations, making both pieces of music into co-creations. We had fun!

No. 35

Items Matt collected and arranged

Items I collected and arranged


Invenias No. 31


Invenias No. 41 - 50